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Membership includes full access to the four module, seven-step program for 60 days and a one hour phone consultation with the PrimeGenesis partner who mentors you through the program- click here to learn more.
Program details as seen below:
Overall Introduction
1) Get a Head Start: Steps 1 & 2
2) Manage the Message: Steps 3-5
3) Set Direction. Build the Team: Step 6
4) Sustain Momentum. Deliver Results: Step 7
Wrap Up
1- Understand the Opportunity
2- Map Your Stakeholders
3- Craft Your Message
4- Fuzzy Front End Steps
5- Day One Checklist
6- Implement Building Blocks
7- Adjust as Appropriate
Members experience greater preparation, increased mental clarity, and peace of mind with an organized plan of attack- your 100-Day Action Plan- with our New Job Prep program- click here to learn more.
Program Fee: $495 USD
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