Video: Step 7 Adjust

To begin Step 7 please watch the video above.

You put a plan in place, leveraged your learnings quickly, refined your plan, and developed solid relationships with all of your key stakeholders. So what’s next? Keep going. Keep building. Begin the process of continual evolution. You’ll want to evolve in three key areas: leadership, practices, and culture. By evolving in these key areas, you are setting yourself up to deliver better results- not only faster but also sustainably, over time.

Instructional Guidelines

Utilize New Job Prep Worksheet #7 in your work packet.

The 40% of new leaders that fail in their first 18 months generally fail because of poor fit, poor delivery or poor adjustment to changes down the road. Remaining vigilant, assessing and acting on those changes are keys to making sure you don’t fall into this trap.

Reference the guidelines below to help you complete the worksheet.

Additional Option: Download and “play” this PowerPoint (hit “play from the start” in the “slide show” tab at the top of PowerPoint) to help you fill in Worksheet #7 on adjusting as appropriate: Step7-Adjust.ppt

1. Stakeholder Feedback

Start by setting a date to get feedback from your stakeholders and reassess how you’re leading so you can make an early-course correction.

2. Change Awareness

Be conscious of the types of changes that will come your way and be prepared to assess them even before you start.

3. Change Assessment

Types of changes and recommended actions:

o If it’s a minor change with a temporary impact, downplay it and keep going.
o If it’s a minor change with an enduring impact, factor it into your future planning and evolution.
o If it’s a major change with a temporary impact, manage it as the crisis or opportunity it is.
o If it’s a major change, with an enduring impact, hit a re-start button and write a whole new 100-day plan.

Follow Up Actions

Action 1: Pause to assess your progress at about day 100.

Action 2: Be ready for surprises.

Additional Reading

  • Read George’s New Leader’s Playbook Articles on One particularly helpful article at this stage is on General Electric’s Response to Major Enduring Change
  • See eighth chapter of The New Leader’s 100-Day Action Plan on Keep Building: Evolve Your Leadership, Practices and Culture to Deliver Results
  • Send George an email at with any questions or comments
  • Visit the LinkedIn Onboarding Group.  The group reaches several thousand line managers, recruiters, HR generalists and consultants who would be delighted to share their perspectives.  Look over past discussion threads, or start a new discussion with your question.

Next Step Preview

Now that you’re done with our seven-step program, email your completed worksheets to your PrimeGenesis mentor. The worksheets will help you get the most value out of your phone consultation.